Michael BarclayMay 19, 2022Behar: Resting for SuccessThis week’s Torah portion of Behar (Lev. 25:1-26:2) focuses almost entirely on the importance of the Sabbath.
Michael BarclayMar 3, 2022Pekudei: Eternal Change Through Physical ShiftsIn this final reading in the Book of Exodus, there are two important biblical concepts that are as important today as they were over 3000...
Michael BarclayDec 3, 2021Happy Hannukah!Happy Hannukah, Channuka, or any way that you would like to spell it! As children we often think this is an important holiday for gift ...
Michael BarclayOct 14, 2021Lech L’cha: The Power and Importance of CircumcisionThis week’s reading of Parsha Lech L’cha (Gen. 12:1-17:27) relates the beginning of God’s dialogue with Avraham ....
Michael BarclaySep 24, 2021Sukkot and Beyond: Manifesting Our Dreams Into RealityWe all know that Sukkot, which began last Monday night is such an important holiday on so many levels. But many Jews (including Rabbis).....
Michael BarclayJul 29, 2021Eikev - Actions Lead to Consequences“Oh, Lord, won’t you buy me a Mercedes-Benz?” — Janis Joplin Why don’t we always get what we want from God, and why does God even allow...
Michael BarclayJul 3, 2021Happy 4th of July As we celebrate this wonderful holiday and the beauty of the summer here in the Conejo Valley, we need to remember how the values of our fo